The Whistler Grills Black Burford Side Burner 5 is constructed from 304 stainless steel and made to match the style of your Whistler Black Burford 5 grill, this double side burner features two brass burners emitting 24,000 BTUs total heat output. Two blue LED lights illuminate the ignition knobs. Durable 7.5 mm stainless grates can handle pots of any weight. Comes standard with a stainless steel lid, black powder coated to a sleek finish to help protect against the elements.
Height: 22.86cm
Width : 33.97cm
Depth : 51.05cm
Cut Out Dimensions
Height: 22.86cm
Width : 31.75cm
Depth : 51.43cm
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Chimes Home & Garden Ltd offers credit products from Mitsubishi HC Capital UK PLC trading as Novuna Personal Finance.
Credit is provided subject to affordability, age and status. Minimum spend applies.
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